Market entry strategies into the U.S. and Latin America
The Americas Group (“TAG”) is a consulting, marketing and merchant banking firm focusing its activities on Latin America, Mexico and the Caribbean.
We develop Latin American market entry strategies for U.S. Companies and United States market entry strategies for Latin American Companies, and then assist them in executing the strategies through a variety of business arrangements.

Howard Glicken, Chairman of The Americas Group with wife Barbara and Senator (President) Joe Biden and California Chairman of Finance on a weekend visit to the California Wine Country.

Howard Glicken with Vice President Al Gore at a black tie state dinner at the White House for President Kim Young Sam of South Korea.

Howard Glicken, Chairman of The Americas Group and Governor Jeb Bush at the Impac Fund Meeting at the University of Miami, November 2017.

Senator Barack Obama in May 2006 with Howard Glicken & Grandson Benjamin Glicken at the Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables, Florida

Howard Glicken and John Kerry sailing off the coast of Nantucket

Howard Glicken, Chairman of The Americas Group at Conference Table next to Vice President Albert Gore in the Vice President’s Office with Florida Governor Buddy McKay and other business and political leaders to discuss issues related to U.S. economic policy.

Howard Glicken, Chairman of the Board of The Americas Group and Former Vice President and Nobel Peace Prize Recipient Al Gore catching up at a recent lunch in October 2012 in Miami, Florida.

1988 Presidential Debate attended by Howard Glicken

"To my very special friends Howard & Barbara Glicken, with thanks always" Al Gore

Howard Glicken and President Ricardo Martinelli of Panama Meet in Panama City, Panama for a Dinner to Discuss Future Growth and Opportunities in the Hospitality and Tourism Sectors

Howard Glicken with Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Miami Archbishop Thomas Wenski at the Impac Fund Bipartisan Conversation on Immigration Reform

Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, Gaston Browne and Howard Glicken

The first meeting of the 33 Presidents and Prime Ministers from South America, Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean at the Summit of the Americas in Miami, Florida.

Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton and Howard Glicken, Chairman of The Americas Group at the American Jewish Congress 2014 Dinner in New York where she received the Stephen S Wise Award - Past Recipients include: David Ben Gurion, Robert F Kennedy, Walter Mondale, Golda Meir, Harry Truman and others.

Senator Barack Obama, Howard Glicken and Wife Barbara at a Luncheon They Co-Hosted in Miami

Howard Glicken & President Bill Clinton at the Biltmore

Howard Glicken, Chairman of The Americas Group attending the Change of Command Ceremony at Southern Command

Howard Glicken and President Carlos Menem of Argentina at Casa Rosada (Presidential Offices) in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Senator John Kerry and Howard Glicken and Wife Barbara

Howard Glicken, Chairman of The Americas Group, President Clinton’s Representative to the Inauguration of President Alberto Fujimori of Peru with President Fujimori

Admiral James Stavridis & Wife Laura With Howard Glicken & Wife Barbara

Barbara Glicken, President Clinton & Howard Glicken at the University of Miami

Howard M Glicken, Chairman of The Americas Group with Vice President Al Gore

Senator Ted Kennedy at Palm Beach Home & Howard Glicken

Howard Glicken & Tom Daschle former Majority Leader of the United States Senate

Howard Glicken & Former United States Senate Majority Leader Senator George Mitchell in the Majority Leaders U.S. Capitol Office

Howard Glicken, Chairman of The Americas Group and President Andres Pastrana, President of Colombia with Dr. Alfredo Riviere, President of Sural Group and a partner of Howard before taking off from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida to Bogota, Colombia

Howard M Glicken, Chairman of the Board of The Americas Group with General Norton A. Schwartz, Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force and General Douglas M. Fraser, Commander United States Southern Command and Jorge Rosenblut, Chairman of the Board of Endesa, Chilean Electric Company at the 64th Birthday Ball of the Air Force at the Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables, Florida

Howard Glicken Chairman of The Americas Group and Barbara Glicken with Senator Joe Biden at a weekend retreat in Napa Valley.